• Pipi and Pou

    and the Firewoman


    Pipi and Pou and the Firewoman

    'Can't be playing with matches. You could set the whole world ablaze.'

    'That's what she said,' Rāwiri mumbled with a mouth full of food.

    A crease formed in Nana's brow.

    'Who said?' she inquired.

    'The woman in the forest,' blurted Rāwiri. 'She threw a fireball at me.'

    Pou frowned. 'A fireball?' Like the ones from that RPG game you play on your device?'


    Join Pipi, Pou and Nana as they seek out the strange woman who has frightened the mischievious Rāwiri.

  • Also available in the series ...

    Pipi and Pou and the Raging Mountain

    Pipi and Pou

    and the Raging Mountain


    Pipi and Pou are looking forward to a weekend of screen time but Nana has other ideas. The earth is shaking down south and Nana wants to find out  

    Pipi and Pou and the River Monster

    Pipi and Pou

    and the River Monster

    Pipi and Pou want to spend the day reading but Nana says they have to go up north - someone needs their help. Yet when they get there ....   

    Pipi and Pou and the Tentacles of the Deep

    Pipi and Pou

    and the Tentacles of the Deep

    Award Winner

    Opening her throat, Nana gave an almighty karanga, calling to the moana. She told the sea who she was, and where she had come from. The tohunga ...